Friday, December 25, 2009

Saved in Miami

My house in U.S. got a call from American Airlines at two in the morning the night before my flight home to let my family know that my flight from Miami to Boston was already canceled due to the snowstorm. I got a call at my house in Ecuador at 6:30am. It was my mother letting me know that the day was going to suck. Big time.

We landed in Miami and immediately I called one of my best friends from BU and a resident of Miami, Elena. She was still stuck in Boston! After a couple hours of figuring things out at the airport, our plan went from splitting a hotel between three of us girls on the same flight to Boston to the two girls managing to get on later flights to Boston that night (which I'm glad they took, by the way). When all of this was being figured out, Humberto, Elena's boyfriend called me and offered to pick me up.

Well, if he insisted...

He and my friend Joel picked me up at the airport, treated me to a delicious steak dinner and took me home to Humberto's so I could rest.

(At dinner)

At night, I saw Elena, and Elena and Humberto woke up at 4am to take me to the airport for my early morning flight. I know I've expressed my gratitude, but I'd like to take a moment right now to express it again. Thank you guys for being truly great friends! I loved seeing you.

Not to mention, I spent all day speaking Spanish with them. That eased my culture shock..

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